
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is EBP?

To put it simply, “Evidence-based practice means that clinicians are using procedures that have been studied carefully and those results have been reviewed and published.” - Jeri A. Logemann

Making decisions about evidence-based practice for teaching and helping students with ASD is difficult. The resources and information provided in this month's blog posts aim to make this process easier for both families and educators.

In this blog post series, you'll see the term "evidence-based practice" (EBP). In this case, a "practice" basically means some educational method that is used for students with autism.

More specifically, some people define EBP as consisting of 3 or 4 of these components:

Best available evidence (research findings).
Professional judgment/data-based clinical decision making.
Values and preferences of families (and the students with ASD themselves).
Capacity to accurately implement autism interventions.


National Autism Center's National Standards Project Video

Sackett et al (2000), as cited in a presentation by Dr. Ronnie Detrich at the 2012 conference of the Association for Positive Behavior Supports.

"What is Evidence-Based Practice and Why Should We Care?" by Jeri A. Logemann

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