
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Technology Research: Using an iPad to Teach Numbers

Title of Study: Using an iPad-based Video Modelling Package to Teach Numeracy Skills to a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors: E.L. Jowett, D.W. Moore, and A. Anderson

Who Participated? A 5-year-old boy with ASD

What Technology Used? iPad, with video clips for counting the number of favorite characters on screen. The video clip would show, for example, six birds next to the numeral, “6.” The video clips also showed a child writing each number.

What Skills Taught? Identifying numbers, writing numbers, and understanding the quantity represented by a number.  

Results: According to the authors, the intervention was successful in helping the student acquire and maintain the targeted skills. The student was said to show an immediate increase in the target skills after watching the video clips for each number.

Where Published: Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2012

Please read the study for a full description of the teaching strategies used and to evaluate the results for yourself.

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