
Monday, June 3, 2013

June Newsletter Topic: Autism and Inclusion, Part 2

This month, Positively Autism continues our blog post series on inclusion. If you're new to our blog, here's a brief overview of inclusion that we shared last month.
Future blog posts will feature articles, books, videos, and resources about including students with autism in general education classrooms and community activities.

Inclusion means that children with disabilities participate in the general education classroom or other activities with children without disabilities. Inclusion has also been called "mainstreaming."

Advantages of inclusive school classrooms for students with autism include participation in a natural environment, exposure to the general curriculum, peer models for language and communication, and potential for acceptance and friendship among the broader community.

Classmates without disabilities may also benefit from having a student with autism in their class by learning about the differences among people and developing compassion and understanding. Some of the strategies that benefit students with autism in an inclusive classroom, such as structure and visual supports, may also be helpful for all students.

Reference: "What Are the Pros and Cons of Including Children with Special Needs in Regular Classrooms?" by Alan Harchik, Ph.D., BCBA-D

1 comment:

  1. I believe inclusion means "belonging". While I agree some students with autism may need additional speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc., it can be done during other times. Inclusion is extremely important for all kids from the most severe to slight social issues. Being in the presence of same age peers is something you cannot get back once lost. This is being written from my own personal experience. For information on inclusion please refer to

    All children with disabilities are to be educated to
    the "maximum extent" with children who do not have disabilities.
    ~ Federal Law I.D.E.A. Sec. 612.5 (A) ~

    "Inclusion is a right, not a special privilege for a select few".
    ~ Federal Court - Oberti v. Board of Education ~

    "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal"
    ~ Supreme Court - Brown v. Board of Education ~
    Schools who let one criterion, such as a specific disability, automatically
    determine the placement are likely to be held in violation of federal law.
    ~ Supreme Court - Board of Education v. Rowley ~

    Inclusion can be successfully done even with children who have dual diagnosis. Lesson plans can be visually modified for understanding.
